Helicopter tour of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Helicopter tour of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

Based on 3 reviews
Free cancellation
Language: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Danish, Chinese, Korean
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: Flexible
Why you’ll love this…
  • Catch a glimpse of the majestic South Rim with aerial views of the Colorado River and Dragon Corridor
  • Get a jawdropping birdseye aerial view of one of Mother Nature's masterpieces
  • First time at the Grand Canyon? This experience is perfect to get to know it like a pro!
What to expect

Your majestic helicopter tour begins at the Grand Canyon National Park Airport at the Grand Canyon's South Rim. You'll settle into the helicopter and lift off across the South Rim of the Grand Canyon near Grandview Point. Afterward, you’ll soar across the sky towards the widest, deepest part of the gorge, peering 5,000 feet down to the sculptor of the Canyon: the Colorado River. Get gorgeous views of one of Mother Nature's masterpieces!

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What's included
  • check 30 minute air tour of the Grand Canyon South Rim
  • check Pre-recorded narration in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Chinese

Papillon Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours, 3568 Airport Rd, Grand Canyon Village, Arizona 86023, USA

Meeting point:
Check-in at Papillon Helicopters Terminal 30 minutes prior to departure. Please make sure to arrive on time.
What to remember
  • All passengers booked on a tour must bring government-issued ID
  • There are no age restrictions to participate in an airplane or helicopter tour. Children age 0-1 are considered lap children and can fly for free with a parent's ticket sitting on the parent's lap; children over the age of 2 must have a purchased seat
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Grand Canyon Helicopters
Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 72 hours before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 3 reviews from verified customers


Review categories



Value for money






  • **********

    From Germany - July 2024

    Travelled with family


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


  • Anonymous

    From United States of America - May 2023


    Overall rated


    pilot got us there and back safely. Unfortunately, delay due to mechanical problems; waited additional 20 minutes. The microphone/ headset didn’t ...

  • Anonymous

    From France - June 2022


    Overall rated


    Le vol du grand canyon en hélicoptère à été un moment majestueux de mon voyage au grand canyon. C'est la première fois que j'utilisais musement et l'e ...

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