Half-day Marmaris 4x4 Off-road Safari Tour

Half-day Marmaris 4x4 Off-road Safari Tour

Based on 17 reviews
Free cancellation
Language: English
Mobile voucher accepted
Duration: from 2 hours to 4 hours
Why you’ll love this…
  • Off-road adventure in the Turkish countryside
  • Enjoy dips in Kızkumu beach and a waterfall plunge pool
  • Discover traditional villages and dense woodlands
What to expect

This off-road safari is dynamite. Enjoy a half-day of sightseeing, add a military-style convoy of 4x4s, and top it all off with swims in special locations – think a natural plunge pool under a secret waterfall and a secluded pine-fringed beach. A perfect mix if ever there was one.

Once you're strapped in, the adventure begins with a drive through the pine-cloaked countryside, towards sleepy villages and secluded bays. Pass traditionally dressed locals riding on donkeys as you climb through the mountains and drive through some of the region's time-warp villages and a forest that's been restored after a devastating wildfire.

Next, stop by Kızkumu beach, a secluded pebble beach in a sheltered cove, for a well-deserved dip in the sea. Finally, there's a stop in a forest to enjoy a dip in the natural plunge pool of a pretty waterfall. It's a photogenic spot, and offers a great chance to cool down in the summer months and muck around with a water fight.

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What's included
  • check Transport
  • check Driver/ Guide
  • check 4x4 tour
What to remember
  • You will likely get dusty and wet on this tour so don't wear your best clothes. It's a good idea to bring a waterproof bag for valuables
  • Not suitable for expectant mothers or guests with back problems
  • Not suitable for families with small children
  • Bring bathing gear and sunblock
  • Food and drinks not included
  • Not suitable for guests with reduced mobility
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Booking fee
Good news! No extra fees are applied to this booking.
Cancellation policy
Receive a 100% refund if you cancel up to 1 day before the experience begins.

What people say about this experience



Based on 17 reviews from verified customers


Review categories







Value for money


  • Clair Vanden

    From United States of America - November 2024

    Travelled with family


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


  • Chrissie

    From United Kingdom - October 2024

    Solo traveller


    35 - 44 years old


    Overall rated


    Water fight was hilarious and scenery was beautiful. Guide was so funny and made everything fun. It was a bumpy ride but Good laugh.

  • Takmy

    From United States of America - September 2024

    Travelled with a group of friends


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    So much fun staff was fantastic and would definitely do it again

  • Glen Philip

    From United States of America - August 2024

    Travelled with family


    18 - 24 years old


    Overall rated


    This experience was amazing and brilliant all in one. The drivers were amazing and fun, especially the lead driver. Very good offload driving. The sto ...

  • Batistuta

    From United States of America - August 2024

    Travelled with family


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    The tour was really good fun and we visited some nice places, the guides were very friendly.

  • Sarah

    From United States of America - August 2024

    Travelled with family


    25 - 34 years old


    Overall rated


    This trip was awesome! We all had so much fun. Would highly recommend....5 stars!

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