Nat Geo Day Tour: The Ancient Mosaics and Artistry of Ephesus

Nat Geo Day Tour: The Ancient Mosaics and Artistry of Ephesus

Basierend auf 1 Bewertungen
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Sprachen: Englisch
Digitale Tickets
Dauer: zwischen 2 Stunden bis 4 Stunden
  • On this tour, you'll connect past and present through the mosaics and décor of the ancient homes in Ephesus. Your visit also takes in other highlights of the site such as the library and amphitheater
  • This tour features a demonstration by a master potter - an expert in his craft - as well as a National Geographic-trained guide
  • Glimpse the elaborate lifestyles of wealthy Ephesians on a guided tour of the Terraced Houses, an area not usually included in Ephesus tours
  • See cultural conservation in action when you watch an artisanal pottery demonstration followed by a hands-on tile painting workshop, both exclusive to National Geographic travelers

The ancient city of Ephesus is one of the most visited classical sites in the world. From the 8th century BC to the 3rd century AD, the city flourished under Greek and then Roman rule. Today, it's a historical treasure trove in a remarkably well-preserved state considering its great age, and it's easy to imagine the bustle and chatter of daily life long ago as you roam through the ruins.

Your adventure begins with a tour of the interactive museum, included with your entry ticket. Take in the wonder of the Terraced Houses, which are not usually included in Ephesus tours. Among the corridors and courtyards, once home to affluent Ephesians, you will get a sense of the opulent lifestyle of the day. These houses were occupied by some of the world's richest families, and the elegant details transport you back in time as you admire the striking mosaics and frescoes adorning the walls.

Your guide will then lead you down the marble streets of Ephesus where St. Paul, Cleopatra and Alexander the Great once walked. A visit to the Library of Celsus, one of the only remaining examples of a library from the Roman Empire, and the amphitheater that could hold 24,000 spectators, are other highlights of this tour.

See cultural conservation in action at the Art Ceramic Centre where traditional pottery methods are still very much alive. Watch a pottery demonstration and then try your hand at painting tiles created by local artisans, both experiences available exclusively for National Geographic travelers. Your tour concludes with a tasting session of regional fruit wines, a local speciality.

Mehr erfahren
  • check Admission fees
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Workshop
Wichtige Informationen
  • Bring money for extras or gratuities
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Bring a hat
  • Food and drinks not included
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